Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get Bigger Chest Muscles (Pecs)

How to Get Bigger Chest Muscles (Pecs)

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

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Want bigger pecs? Well here are some simple exercises that will help you get better pecs.


  1. Push ups. This often neglected exercise allows for a great pump, pumping nutrients to the muscles. have your hands about shoulder width apart. When you first start to do push ups they tend to be hard but, when you keep on doing them, they will be easy. Push ups also work your triceps and shoulders (deltoids)
  2. Bench press. Bench press is the most popular chest building exercise of all times. Remember to lower the bar all the way to your chest. Bench press also works out your triceps and shoulders (deltoids)
  3. Incline bench press. same as bench press, only it focuses more on your upper pecs.
  4. Decline Bench Press. Same as bench press, only it focuses more on your lower pecs.Most people dont perform this exercise but it is essential in obtaining a full and rounded chest.
  5. Flies. this will not dramatically increase your strength, but shapes your pecs in a great way. It also is a great stretch for your pecs
  6. Pull over. This is another great exercis to extend the rib cage and allow more space for pecs to grow. This exercise should be done from an early age as increase in size of rib cage rarely happens when the age of a person reaches 25.


  • After workout have some Whey protein. But if you don't have access to supplements,try a shake consisting of 3-5 eggs with some milk and some fruit added. This will work as your protein shake. Warning. Be aware that drinking raw eggs can cause typhoid which is caused by a bacteria in eggs called salmonella. But this bacteria is only present in 1/10,000 eggs.
  • Eggs are completely safe to eat if the shells are absent from any cracks or hairline fractures. If they do, do not eat them raw.
  • Leave at least 48 hours between working the same muscle group
  • Get a 1 gram of protein per LB. of bodyweight each day.Get your protein from meat,chicken,milk,beans,pulses and eggs as they are cheap and a good source of protein.


  • DO NOT bounce the bar off your chest while performing any exercise. This can result in major injuries.
  • If attempting a heavy weight have a spotter!

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Bigger Chest Muscles (Pecs). All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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