Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pool Workout

How to Have a Workout in the Pool

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Do you need a basic exercise plan in the water? Read this and you'll be splashing around in no time.


  1. Do a warm up (do this every time before you swim a different stroke). Do 6 laps (one lap is one way in the pool) of freestyle.
  2. Get out of the pool and stretch.
    • Put your right arm across your chest and link your left arm around, then do the opposite.
    • Pick up your right leg and balance on the left foot, then do the opposite.
    • Try to put your hands on the ground and stretch your legs (don't bend them!).
    • Shake your entire body around and jump up and down.

  3. Do a 100 IM. This is one lap butterfly, one lap backstroke, one lap breaststroke, and one lap freestyle in that order.
  4. Do a 200 IM now this is 2 laps butterfly, 2 laps backstroke, 2 laps breststroke, and 2 laps freestyle in that order.
  5. Do 4 laps of freestyle.
  6. Do 4 laps of breaststroke.
  7. Do 4 laps of backstroke.
  8. Do 4 laps of butterfly.
  9. Do drills for each of the strokes (see External Links).
  10. Do a cool down (do this after every workout); 6 laps 2 of each stroke backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, and breaststroke.


  • If you want to squeeze in do sprints one lap of each stroke and dive off the board
  • this workout is good by yourself not with a group foucus more on you in drills and such in the water.
  • Try combining the dolphin kick from the butterfly and the crawl of the crawl. It is faster than either one.

Things You'll Need

  • A 25 meter pool
  • A swim cap -- if your hair is down, it is harder to swim
  • goggles -- so you can swim underwater

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Have a Workout in the Pool. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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