Monday, March 10, 2008

Build Bigger Biceps

How to Get Better Biceps

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

When one thinks of getting stronger, the first thing to come to mind are the biceps. But how do you build your guns?


  1. Bicep Curls. These are the best exercises for biceps. There are hundreds of different kinds of curls, each used to help work out a specific part of the body. Curls are done with dumbbells and barbells. Some of these are listed below:
  2. Basic Biceps Curl. The standard biceps curl targets the whole muscle. Start by holding the barbell or dumbbell in your hands with your arms facing down. Keep your elbows straight and held in tight to your sides. Inhale as you bring the bar to the chest until your biceps are fully contracted. Then exhale as you lower it (don't drop it, do it slowly.) Repeat.
  3. Concentration Curl. This curl targets the upper biceps. Sit down on a chair or bench with a dumbbell in one of your hands. Lean forward slightly and place your triceps (back of the arm) on the inside of your thigh. Exhale as your lower, and inhale as your bring it up to your shoulder. Switch to other arm.
  4. Hammer Curl. The hammer curl targets the lower bicep. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your leg. Inhale as your bring your forearm up until it touches your biceps. Exhale as you lower, keeping the elbows close to the body.
  5. Body Drag Curls. In a standing barbell curl position, slide the bar upward against your body until it reaches your mid-chest level - about as high as you'll be able to move it without cheating it up - then lower the bar the same way, making sure it does not lose contact with your torso. Your elbows will move backward and your shoulders cannot assist in the movement.


  • Know that other common bicep exercises include the preacher curl, incline biceps curl, cable curl, and the lying bicep curl.
  • The key to having great guns is to exercise your triceps too. Your triceps make up most of your arm and toned triceps give definition to your biceps.
  • Weight doesn't matter as much as form. If you have to start at ten pounds, that's all right. Just make sure you keep the form and technique good. Once you find it easier to do your current weight, it's time to take it up another five pounds or so.
  • When your current weight is easier, but any extra weight makes it too hard, simply do more reps with your current weight until you have built up enough strength to do a sizable amount of repetitions with the next weight.
  • Using walls as a support whilst pushing against using your arms will supply you with a good head start, seeing as it uses your own body weight and you can turn and twist to suit.

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