Monday, March 31, 2008

Swimming the Breatstroke

How to Swim the Breaststroke

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The breaststroke can be a tricky stroke to master, but once the steps are coordinated correctly it can be a very leisurely way to swim.


  1. Place yourself laterally in the water with your arms extended straight in front of you and your legs in back of you.
  2. Push your arms apart so that they create a diagonal with your body. Make sure your palms are facing out and your elbows are straight.
  3. Pull your elbows into the sides of your body, then bring your hands together in front of your chest. Now simply push your hands forward so they return to where they started.
  4. While completing step 3, lift your head, neck, and upper chest out of the water to breathe. Do not remove your hands from the water.
  5. Bending your knees, bring your feet towards your bottom. Make a circular motion with your feet until they meet with your legs fully extended once again. Complete this step as fast as possible.
  6. Glide.


  • Remember the mantra "pull, breathe, kick, glide" while you are swimming.
  • Do not be tempted to rush through the glide; it is actually the fastest part of the stroke.
  • Keep your feet flexed while kicking. This provides more power to the stroke.
  • Make sure your kick is no wider than the width of your shoulders. This is so your legs don't jut out on your sides. The reasoning behind this is to prevent unnecessary drag on your body. By keeping your kick the same width as your shoulders, you are making sure that when you draw back your legs towards your body for the next kick, you are remaining in a hydrodynamic position resulting in a more efficient stroke.
  • For more speed, breathe between the pull and the kick as fast as possible. In the stance during the stroke when you breathe, there is resistance that can be removed if the pull, breathe, and kick portion are made in a fluid non-stop movement.
  • Maintain your head position in such a way that your spine remains straight. In other words, look down towards the bottom of the pool while you are swimming and breathing. Many people tend to look straight ahead. The problem with looking forward and not down is that by looking forward, your neck and head are not in line with your spine. As a result, your head is cocked back, resulting in your hips dropping, causing you to drag your entire body. By looking down, you allow your hips to raise up, your spine to stay straight, and your body to streamline through every stroke you take.
  • Remember that it is better to be able to go really far with each stroke than to be able to do tons of small strokes really fast. Try and go further with each stroke.


  • Keep your hips away from the bottom of shallow pools; this could result in serious injury to the feet, legs and hips.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Swim the Breaststroke. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lose Weight Safely

How to Lose Weight Safely

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Adopt a healthier lifestyle and and you will often lose weight as a bonus. Learn strategies to help you look and feel better!


  1. Calculate your daily energy output kJ. Looks complicated but isn't.
    • Women [655.1 + (9.56 x weight kilograms)+ (1.85 x height centimeter) - (4.68 x age years)] x 4.2
    • Men [66.47 + (13.75 x weight kilograms)+ (5 x height centimeter) - (6.76x age years)] x 4.2
    • Multiply the kJ amount by the following factor depending on your lifestyle: 1.2 = sedentary, 1.375 = lightly active (1-3 days a week exercise), 1.55 = moderately active 3 -5 days exercise or sport, 1.725 = very active hard exercise 6-7 days/week, 1.9 = extremely active hard daily exercise or sport or physical job.

  2. Keep a food journal for a week or two. Write down all that you eat. Include snacks, cups of coffee, etc. - it all adds up. You may be surprised how much you are consuming in between meals.
  3. Use the journal to help understand when it is you might eat foods that are high in kJ and find ways to cut them out and replace those items with healthier choices. For example, if you crave sugar in the afternoon replace sugary snacks with fresh fruit.
  4. Work out what energy you are actually expending daily and find ways to increase your level of activity. You don't necessarily need to join a gym. Simple changes can add up. Try parking as far away from the shops as you can and walk in. Climb the stairs, rather than riding the elevator. Dance while you vacuum. Play actively with the kids instead of just watching TV.
  5. Focus on attaining good health, rather than feeling deprived or "on a diet". Losing weight is frequently the result of living a healthier lifestyle
  6. Try to stick to three meals a day. Breakfast - eg. high fibre cereal with low fat milk, lunch eg. wholemeal sandwich with lean filling OR a salad with no fat dressing, dinner eg. Protein (meat, fish or poultry - all lean cuts and skinless with lots of vegetables or salad and minimal amount (not necessarily no) carbohydrates. Healthy snacks are OK especially if they help you from getting so hungry that you eat foods you shouldn't.


  • A possible diet: a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast, a jelly sandwich with trans-fat free bread and an apple for lunch, salmon and green-beans for dinner. Snacks can include carrots, celery or a banana.
  • Find snacks that you love that are healthy, such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, and be sure to stock them in your pantry. Limit yourself to two snacks each day. If you crave more than two snacks, chomp on a piece of gum for a few hours.
  • Don't shop when you are hungry. Have a healthy snack and a glass of water before heading to the grocery store.
  • Increase your daily fibre intake. Pick whole meal bread, and whole grains (bulgar wheat, quinoa).
  • Try a daily walk. It is a great exercise for weight loss. You can go at your own pace. If you walk with a friend it is mentally uplifting to chat and support each other.
  • Add strength training to your exercise plan to build lean muscle. While aerobic exercise (like walking) helps burn calories, anaerobic (or strength-building) exercise can help boost your metabolism.
  • Add one or two extra vegetables to your evening meal that you would usually not eat. Try new recipes with unfamiliar ingredients to keep your eating plan interesting and fun.
  • Use non stick cookware or barbeque to limit oils and fats.
  • Go crazy with herbs and strong flavours to make your meals very tasty and satisfying - potentially you'll eat less.
  • Use a smaller plate.
  • Clear up left overs before sitting down to avoid second helpings
  • Drink lots of water 2 litres/day (approx. 64 oz). Drink a glass of water about 20 mins before dinner to help you feel full.
  • Put your knife and fork down instead of loading it up while you chew. Eating more slowly allows your body to be in time with your brain so that by the time you "feel" full you haven't already over eaten.
  • Avoid/limit alcohol (3-4 standard drinks/week)- it reduces you ability to lose fat as well as making it harder to resist temptation.
  • Measure your loss by how your clothes feel on you and only weigh yourself once every couple of weeks. Take your measurements once a month to judge your weight loss in inches as well as pounds.
  • Find a friend who wants to feel better too and use each other for support.
  • Listen to slow music while you eat. It's been proven to help you eat slower, which helps you lose weight.
  • Avoid processed foods. Anything that comes in a package is usually full of fats, sugars and salts. Know what you're eating in advance.


  • You should see a health professional before undertaking any diet or exercise plans.
  • There is NO safe way to lose weight fast. You should aim for lifestyle changes that support better eating and add some exercise that is suited to you personally, as prescribed by your doctor. Gradual weight loss is better and also tends to be longer lasting in most people.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Lose Weight Safely. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Workout Diet

How to Start the Recommended Workout Diet

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This arm program is for advanced weightlifters only!


  1. Eat a meal 1 hour before workout your workout; 1 cup oatmeal, 1 chopped apple and three whole eggs (cook with the oatmeal). Add two tablespoons of honey and cook in 1 and half cups of apple juice.
  2. Have one half cup of raisins 20 minutes before the workout.
  3. Prepare a big water bottle(500ml) with orange juice in it and 25 grams of whey protein; sip on this during the whole workout.
  4. Warm up with 7 minutes of jogging. Curl your arm up and squeeze like a bicep curl and push down as if you were working your triceps.
  5. Do one set of as many Parallel Tricep dips as possible.
  6. Go to the chinning bar and do as many pullups as possible.
  7. Go between two benches and do as many bench dips as you can.
  8. Go to the lat pulldown and do as many as you can.
  9. Rest for one minute and do two sets of 21 Tricep pushdowns supersetted with two sets of 21 overhead tricep extensions.
  10. Do one set of 21 barbell curls supersetted with as many concentration curls as possible.


  • Parallel Tricep dips: keep body straight come down until biceps hit forearms and lockout at the top and squeeze triceps.
  • Pull ups: take a under handed grip with hands about 10 inches apart, curl your self up until you eyes meet the bar only come down a little pass 90 degrees with your arms.
  • Bench dips: make sure you go all the way down until your butt hit the ground and lockout at the top Squeeze your triceps
  • Lat pulldowns: same as pull ups under handed grip 10 inches apart ,now keep your arms out in front of you so your triceps are parallel to the floor and a 90 degree angle to your body (the same as resting your elbow on a table) keep your arms in this position and curl the lat bar down toward the top of your head until it hit the top of your forehead.
  • Tricep pushdowns use lat pulldown bar(long bar) take a wide underhand grip do 7 reps move the hand in a little and take a overhand grip and do 7 reps move the hand close together and do 7 reps overhanded move on to barbell over head extentions and do the same 7 underhanded wide grip ,move hands in a little overhanded 7 reps , close together 7 reps.
  • Barbell curl: take a narrow grip underhanded start from the top of the movement and do 7 rep only coming down to the top of the rip cage and coming up to touch your collar bone, continue by taking a underhanded mid grip starting from the top of the rip cage down to legs, continue by taking a wide overhanded(reverse) grip and doing 7 reps through the full movement. Know go grab two light dumbbells and a incline bench place yourself on the incline bench chest first so your chest is at the very top of the bench let you arms hang down over the top of the bench and do 7 curls but only coming up half way do a other 7 reps but only coming down half way and another 7 reps doing the whole movement.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Start the Recommended Workout Diet. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Gain Muscle Fast

How to Gain Muscle Fast in 5 Easy Steps

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This is to help those that find it difficult to gain muscle, particularly for those with small body frames. However, the techniques will also benefit those individuals that would like to bulk-up quicker, safer and efficiently.The main question by those tired of trying to shape up their bodies, but with no results, or even those starting their journey into fitness is how to gain muscles fast. The reasons are varied, some want to look good for their vacations,or to enter and win competitions. Some want to walk down the road with their heads held up high and command respect. However, what every single hard gainer should not forget in their desire to get the body of their dreams and how to gain muscle fast is to do it safely and effectively.

Things You Need

A good source of food that you will requite in order to give you energy in to work-out regularly and aid in your muscle recovery are complex carbohydrates.
Good sources are:
  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Cereals
  • Couscous
  • Yams


  1. Limit your reps to 10. Do not go beyond 10 reps because you are emphasizing your slow-twitch muscle fibers which have the smallest opportunity for muscle growth. In your work-out you need to employ the maximal amount of muscle fibers in every set.
  2. Gain muscle by switching to heavy lifting mode. Every single set and every single exercise. Work out with heavy weights and never go beyond 10 reps.
  3. Increment your strength by 5% every two weeks. Track your progress and do not repeat the same routine using the same weights all the time. Your muscles are engineered to tolerate stress so put them under stress and let them grow.
  4. Aim for a minimum of 5% strength increase every two weeks. You might aim for bigger increases with larger muscle groups like legs and back versus smaller muscles like triceps and biceps. Keep focused and have the goal in mind that in six months from now, you will be over twice as strong as you are now! It is a good idea writing down your strength goals for the six months ahead and then work from your starting point. If you are currently dead lifting 140 lbs, aim to be dead lifting 280 lbs over the next few months!
  5. Work-out only one exercise per muscle group. Consider this typical day in the gym. Today is your legs day. Your first exercise is the leg curl. You perform your first set with 155 lbs, second set with 175 lbs, third set with 195 lbs and fourth set with 215 lbs.
  6. Strictly stick to 3 to 5 sets per muscle group. Understand that if you are doing more than 3-5 sets per muscle group, alarm bells should be going off in your head. If you work-out the first 1-2 sets at 85% maximum effort, the 3rd set at 95% maximum effort and the 4th (and sometimes the 5th) set at 100% maximum effort, Know that it is only this last set that produces the greatest muscle growth. Anything beyond the last set mentality that you have to keep going until you explode, simply burns out the muscle and delays your recovery time to work on that muscle again.Add 5-10 extra pounds more than your previous set.
  7. Gradually shorten your work-out times. Know that if you really want to increase your muscle density and move your fitness to new heights, you need to work-out outside your comfort zone.This can be achieved if you increase your work rate but taking less time do it. The results will be that your work capacity will increase. Work refers to the number of sets, reps and poundage within your work-out.
  8. Try to complete a work-out,it in less time. Decrease your rests. Move between exercises faster. If you do this, don't be shocked if you feel out of shape!


  1. Limit your reps to 10 only
  2. Increment Your Strength by 5% Every Two Weeks
  3. Work-out only one exercise per muscle group
  4. Strictly stick to 3 to 5 sets per muscle group
  5. Gradually shorten your work-out times


  • If you never worked out before consult with a doctor before beginning your workout routines. Do not begin one if you have any serious health problems.
  • Work out with a partner to prevent injuries, and for encouragement to push your limits every inch of the way.
  • If you experience discomfort like numbness, tingling sensations, dizziness, palpitations you must stop immediately. These are warnings signs that your body is giving you to let you know that it has gone past the safety threshold.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Gain Muscle Fast in 5 Easy Steps. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pool Workout

How to Have a Workout in the Pool

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Do you need a basic exercise plan in the water? Read this and you'll be splashing around in no time.


  1. Do a warm up (do this every time before you swim a different stroke). Do 6 laps (one lap is one way in the pool) of freestyle.
  2. Get out of the pool and stretch.
    • Put your right arm across your chest and link your left arm around, then do the opposite.
    • Pick up your right leg and balance on the left foot, then do the opposite.
    • Try to put your hands on the ground and stretch your legs (don't bend them!).
    • Shake your entire body around and jump up and down.

  3. Do a 100 IM. This is one lap butterfly, one lap backstroke, one lap breaststroke, and one lap freestyle in that order.
  4. Do a 200 IM now this is 2 laps butterfly, 2 laps backstroke, 2 laps breststroke, and 2 laps freestyle in that order.
  5. Do 4 laps of freestyle.
  6. Do 4 laps of breaststroke.
  7. Do 4 laps of backstroke.
  8. Do 4 laps of butterfly.
  9. Do drills for each of the strokes (see External Links).
  10. Do a cool down (do this after every workout); 6 laps 2 of each stroke backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, and breaststroke.


  • If you want to squeeze in do sprints one lap of each stroke and dive off the board
  • this workout is good by yourself not with a group foucus more on you in drills and such in the water.
  • Try combining the dolphin kick from the butterfly and the crawl of the crawl. It is faster than either one.

Things You'll Need

  • A 25 meter pool
  • A swim cap -- if your hair is down, it is harder to swim
  • goggles -- so you can swim underwater

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Have a Workout in the Pool. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bigger triceps

How to Get Better Triceps

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Many people do not realize the importance of their triceps, they think almost exclusively of their biceps. While biceps are probably used more, weak triceps can be a real problem in your life. The tricep is the muscle opposite the bicep on your upper arm, and it's used for pulling your arm straight after bending. Gymnasts have to have strong triceps, due to the type of acrobatic maneuver they perform. For example during the back handspring you have to spring backwards and push up off the ground with your hands back onto your feet.


The Push Up Way
  1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and together. Put your palms flat on the floor next to your shoulders. Your arms should naturally bend with the elbow pointing towards the ceiling. They may point away from your body, in which case pull them in tight against your ribs. Now push up, this is one tricep push up. Start off with ten of these, or if that is too hard start off with five. Increase the amount you do each time by five as the excersise becomes easier.
  2. Start off in a normal press up position, the same as a tricep push up, but the arms are not tucked in. Move your hands together until your first fingers and thumbs touch, which should form a triangle/kite shape on the floor. Keep your palms flat on the floor as you do this. Now do a push up. Again start off with five, and increase by five as before.

The Dumbbell Way
  1. Obtain a dumbbell weight you are comfortable with, if you are just starting out you may want a 5 kg dumbbell. With it in your hand raise your arm up straight, now bend your arm so that the dumbbell comes down behind your head. Then raise your arm again, for maximum effect do this in a slow and controlled manner. Again, start off with five and work up from there as you build more muscle.
  2. Kneel down on one leg, rest the hand not holding the dumbbell on a stool or somesuch. Let the hand with the dumbbell hang free so it is relaxed. Now, bend at the elbow so the upper arm is parallel with the ground. Straighten that arm all the way, if the strain peaks when you fully straighten your arm you are doing it right. If not find a heavier dumbbell or check your stance. Start with 5 and build up from there in fives as you build more muscle.


  • Do not over strain yourself, you have to know your own limitations. If it is very difficult to do one repetition then stop at one, if you don't you will get a stiff triceps which will prevent you from exercising in the near future.
  • Always warm up the muscle you are planning on exercising.If you don't you are in danger of pulling a muscle, which is not only very painful but will put that muscle out of action for a long time. To warm up exercise that muscle a few times and stretch, do this at least twice to be extra sure.
  • Eat healthily. Like all exercises if you wish it to have an effect you must eat healthily, see Eat Healthy for Life for more information.
  • Cardio, Cardio, Cardio! Depending on what you are looking for you may already include this in your work-out. The proper name for it is cardiovascular, which means 'heart and vessels' so it is exercise of the heart and vessels in your body. Essentially it burns fat, so if you want to see a result from all this triceps exercise you must shed fat like a snake sheds skin, as the triceps isn't designed as a very impressive muscle like the bicep.


  • Again do not injure yourself doing these exercises, take it slowly. The slower the exercise the better it is, and you have the added bonus of not doing yourself an injury.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Better Triceps. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


How to Stretch

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Stretching correctly will increase your flexibility, and reduce the risk of injuries caused by lesions of the connective tissues (such as the periosteum) and other nasty things. This guide shows a variety of techniques and its goal is to regroup every type of stretching which you may put in a routine of your own. Use the ones that suit your needs for the activities you do. Do not stretch if you are injured. This can only result in further injury.


  1. Stretch your jaw.
    • Incline your head back, rest your chin on your palm, then pull your jaw open.
    • Say "Aaaaah" (you can mime it). Grab your chin with your thumb, index and middle fingers. Stretch it left to right. This exercise will help if you have been hit to the jaw (i.e. knocked-out in boxing).

  2. Stretch your neck.
    • Incline your head forward, do not roll your head from side to side, this is dangerous. Instead stretch your neck left, right, forward and back, but always return to centre first!
    • Tilt your head with ear toward shoulder, incline your head backward and roll your head from left to right, then right to left in a 30 degree motion. Be sure that while your head is tilted back, you keep your jaw relaxed and even let your mouth fall open just a bit (avoid inhaling flies).

  3. Stretch your shoulder:
    1. Put your arm on your chest;
    2. Grab your forearm with the opposite arm;
    3. Pull your arm until you feel your shoulder being stretched;
    4. Push the arm you are stretching the opposite way in order to contract the muscle if you feel that your chest is stretching instead of your shoulder.

  4. Stretch your triceps.
    1. Reach up with your right arm;
    2. Bend your right elbow and put your forearm down behind your head and between your shoulder blades;
    3. Reach up and grab your right elbow with your opposite arm;
    4. Pull your elbow toward your head.

  5. Stretch your scapulae:
    1. Extend your arms in front of you;
    2. Join both hands together and cross fingers;
    3. Push your arms further and try to push your scapulae in opposite directions.

  6. Stretch your wrists.
    1. Hold arm out;
    2. Slightly pull back your hand down with your opposite hand;
    3. Repeat with other hand.

  7. Stretch quadriceps:
    1. Stand up and pull one leg behind you;
    2. Repeat with other leg.

  8. Stretch calves:
    1. Put your arms up against the wall;
    2. Bring one leg in towards it while keeping your legs straight;
    3. Repeat with other leg.

  9. Stretch hamstrings:
    1. Sit on the floor and put one leg out;
    2. Reach for it and hold for a few seconds;
    3. Repeat with other leg, and then do it with both legs.

  10. Do a butterfly stretch:
    1. Sit on the floor;
    2. Press the soles of your feet together;
    3. Pull your feet the closest you can;
    4. Push your knees down.

  11. Stretch lower back:
    1. Lay down;
    2. Bring one leg onto your chest;
    3. Repeat with your other leg, and then do it with both.


  • All stretches should be held (without movement) for 15-20 seconds. This surpasses the myotatic reflex which prevents any muscle from stretching for the first 10-12 seconds.
  • Consult a specialist before working out.
  • Do not bounce or bob when you stretch - this is not effective and can lead to injury.
  • Perform the exercises slowly to prevent injuries.


  • Never stretch before you warm up. The only reason it feels good to stretch even when you're cold is because your body sends out natural painkillers. To protect your tissues, you need to raise your cardiac pulse in order to fill them with blood. The only way to do this is by working out.
    • Jumping rope is an effective way to achieve this, although this may damage your tibia's periosteums, which is the membrane enveloping your bones (except at junctions) that allows the blood to flow from your heart to your muscles connected by the tendon.
    • A safer way to raise your cardiac pulses would be by swimming. Water reduces shocks to the body because it reduces the felt effect of gravity on your body.
    • Swimming pools are sometimes unaccessible so an efficient and safe way to raise cardiac pulse would be by cycling, except if you have knee problems.

  • Stretching should not hurt, just inflict a small and negligible instantaneous pain.
  • ALWAYS stretch after you work out, unless all you want is flexibility. If you stretch before your workout, you will put your nervous system to sleep resulting in less gain than improvement on the muscle part. As a result, for example, your system won't give you as much lactic acid, but many other things will be affected by flexibility training before a workout.

A good source of stretching information is the website,

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Sources and Citations

External Resources


Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Stretch. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Recommended Workout Diet

How to Start the Recommended Workout Diet

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This arm program is for advanced weightlifters only!


  1. Eat a meal 1 hour before workout your workout; 1 cup oatmeal, 1 chopped apple and three whole eggs (cook with the oatmeal). Add two tablespoons of honey and cook in 1 and half cups of apple juice.
  2. Have one half cup of raisins 20 minutes before the workout.
  3. Prepare a big water bottle(500ml) with orange juice in it and 25 grams of whey protein; sip on this during the whole workout.
  4. Warm up with 7 minutes of jogging. Curl your arm up and squeeze like a bicep curl and push down as if you were working your triceps.
  5. Do one set of as many Parallel Tricep dips as possible.
  6. Go to the chinning bar and do as many pullups as possible.
  7. Go between two benches and do as many bench dips as you can.
  8. Go to the lat pulldown and do as many as you can.
  9. Rest for one minute and do two sets of 21 Tricep pushdowns supersetted with two sets of 21 overhead tricep extensions.
  10. Do one set of 21 barbell curls supersetted with as many concentration curls as possible.


  • Parallel Tricep dips: keep body straight come down until biceps hit forearms and lockout at the top and squeeze triceps.
  • Pull ups: take a under handed grip with hands about 10 inches apart, curl your self up until you eyes meet the bar only come down a little pass 90 degrees with your arms.
  • Bench dips: make sure you go all the way down until your butt hit the ground and lockout at the top Squeeze your triceps
  • Lat pulldowns: same as pull ups under handed grip 10 inches apart ,now keep your arms out in front of you so your triceps are parallel to the floor and a 90 degree angle to your body (the same as resting your elbow on a table) keep your arms in this position and curl the lat bar down toward the top of your head until it hit the top of your forehead.
  • Tricep pushdowns use lat pulldown bar(long bar) take a wide underhand grip do 7 reps move the hand in a little and take a overhand grip and do 7 reps move the hand close together and do 7 reps overhanded move on to barbell over head extentions and do the same 7 underhanded wide grip ,move hands in a little overhanded 7 reps , close together 7 reps.
  • Barbell curl: take a narrow grip underhanded start from the top of the movement and do 7 rep only coming down to the top of the rip cage and coming up to touch your collar bone, continue by taking a underhanded mid grip starting from the top of the rip cage down to legs, continue by taking a wide overhanded(reverse) grip and doing 7 reps through the full movement. Know go grab two light dumbbells and a incline bench place yourself on the incline bench chest first so your chest is at the very top of the bench let you arms hang down over the top of the bench and do 7 curls but only coming up half way do a other 7 reps but only coming down half way and another 7 reps doing the whole movement.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Start the Recommended Workout Diet. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Build Bigger Biceps

How to Get Better Biceps

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

When one thinks of getting stronger, the first thing to come to mind are the biceps. But how do you build your guns?


  1. Bicep Curls. These are the best exercises for biceps. There are hundreds of different kinds of curls, each used to help work out a specific part of the body. Curls are done with dumbbells and barbells. Some of these are listed below:
  2. Basic Biceps Curl. The standard biceps curl targets the whole muscle. Start by holding the barbell or dumbbell in your hands with your arms facing down. Keep your elbows straight and held in tight to your sides. Inhale as you bring the bar to the chest until your biceps are fully contracted. Then exhale as you lower it (don't drop it, do it slowly.) Repeat.
  3. Concentration Curl. This curl targets the upper biceps. Sit down on a chair or bench with a dumbbell in one of your hands. Lean forward slightly and place your triceps (back of the arm) on the inside of your thigh. Exhale as your lower, and inhale as your bring it up to your shoulder. Switch to other arm.
  4. Hammer Curl. The hammer curl targets the lower bicep. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your leg. Inhale as your bring your forearm up until it touches your biceps. Exhale as you lower, keeping the elbows close to the body.
  5. Body Drag Curls. In a standing barbell curl position, slide the bar upward against your body until it reaches your mid-chest level - about as high as you'll be able to move it without cheating it up - then lower the bar the same way, making sure it does not lose contact with your torso. Your elbows will move backward and your shoulders cannot assist in the movement.


  • Know that other common bicep exercises include the preacher curl, incline biceps curl, cable curl, and the lying bicep curl.
  • The key to having great guns is to exercise your triceps too. Your triceps make up most of your arm and toned triceps give definition to your biceps.
  • Weight doesn't matter as much as form. If you have to start at ten pounds, that's all right. Just make sure you keep the form and technique good. Once you find it easier to do your current weight, it's time to take it up another five pounds or so.
  • When your current weight is easier, but any extra weight makes it too hard, simply do more reps with your current weight until you have built up enough strength to do a sizable amount of repetitions with the next weight.
  • Using walls as a support whilst pushing against using your arms will supply you with a good head start, seeing as it uses your own body weight and you can turn and twist to suit.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Better Biceps. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Crossfit Program

How to Work out With the Crossfit Program

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

CrossFit is a strength and endurance conditioning program that was founded in California to improve the physical fitness military and police personnel. The exercises are universally scalable, meaning that everyone of all skill level can participate and be challenge by the work out.
The ideal way to start CrossFit is to join a gym that is a CrossFit affiliate and attend their classes, as working out under the guidance of an instructor will ensure you're doing the exercises properly and getting the most out of your workout. You can also follow the 'Work Out of the Day' posted on the CrossFit website and discuss the workout with other CrossFit members.
To get started with CrossFit, there are some key exercises that are essential to the CrossFit program. By combining some of these exercises into a single workout, you can increase both your metabolic endurance and strength.


  1. Pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great exercise, but can be challenging for anyone who isn't use do doing them regularly. If you can't do one pull-up, try doing body rows instead.
  2. Squats. To do a body-weight squat, that is a squat with no additional weight, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. With your back straight, bend your knees and extend your arms forward to maintain balance. Stand back up straight again. Do several squats in one set, you'll be starting to get the hang of it when you can do 50 in a row.
  3. Push-ups. If normal push-ups are too hard, try doing them from your knees, or standing against a wall. If normal push-ups are too easy, try doing them from an incline, or on rings.
  4. Dips.
  5. Wall Ball. Take a medicine ball and find a place alongside wall. Squat down and when you stand back up, throw the ball up against the wall. When you catch the ball on the way down, squat back down and repeat the process.
  6. Sit-ups. Sit ups help build core strength which is important when doing any exercise.
  7. Deadlift. Doing a deadlift is a very practical skill to have. Start with a low weight if you've never done one before. Stand in front of a barbell that is resting on the floor. With a straight back, squat down and get a comfortable grip on the barbell. Stand straight up, keeping a straight back, push your hips out. When you've reach a standing position, squeeze your shoulders back, and hold the weight for 1 to 2 seconds. Safely lower the barbell with a straight back, and repeat. Try doing 3-5 sets of comfortable, but challenging, number of repetitions, or try doing the sets of 21-15-9.
  8. Double-unders. Take a skipping rope, and as if you were skipping normally, but instead of just spinning the rope once under your feet between jumps, spin it twice.
  9. Box-jumps. Find a stable box or raised bench that will support your weight. From a standing position in front of the box, squat down and jump up on top of the box. Once you're up, stand straight up, pushing your hips out. Hop down, and repeat.


  • Stay hydrated, drink sufficient amounts of water before and during your workout.
  • Stretch and warm up thoroughly before the workout.
  • To find a CrossFit affiliate, check out the CrossFit website.
  • To see videos of exercises in action, check out the exercise videos posted on the CrossFit site.
  • In the CrossFit approach, routine is the enemy. Mix up your workouts, add variety to your workout to maximize your results.


  • If you experience any sudden pain, stop the workout and rest. Consult a doctor if necessary, but don't work through an injury, as you'll likely make it worse.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Work out With the Crossfit Program. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Training for a Triathlon

How to Train for a Triathlon

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

With modest and regular effort, you can accomplish things you may never have dreamed of. The triathlon community is filled with a wide range of people, all of whom just get out there and 'do it.' The fact that we are all out to try something hard (what other sport has a 90 minute "sprint?") builds tremendous camaraderie and support. With some simple and proper preparation you too can be a triathlete.


  1. Train in each event. You are going to swim, ride and run. Therefore, each week, you should swim on day 1, ride on day 2, run on day 3, swim on day 4, ride on day 5 and run on day 6. Day 7 is off.
  2. Start off with a 20 minute work out. So, for swimming it is 20 minutes of swimming -- not 20 minutes of being in the pool!
  3. Increase the time to 40 minutes as your stamina improves.
  4. Practice some ‘brick’ sessions about a month ahead of your event. A brick is where you do two disciplines back to back. The most important session is the 45-minute cycle ride followed by a 15- to 20-minute run. This gets you used to changing muscle groups.
  5. Consider joining a Masters swim program to become more proficient in the water. These programs generally accept all levels of skill in the water.
  6. Start with some sprint races (usually a ~700 meter swim, ~15 mile bike and a 5K run). You do not need to set a land-speed record, just use the races as a learning experience. You can use sprint races as a building block for longer races (international, half-ironman, and ironman), or you can choose to focus on sprint races. But you need to race to put all the training together.
  7. Train over the winter using a bike trainer - in the off-season, you can do a lot of long steady distance work ("LSD") that will build a strong network of capillaries in your legs that will serve you well in the summer during race season.


  • Have fun. The reason we do this is to have fun.
  • Find two or three races in your area. The races help you stay focused on why you are training. Having just one race puts too much stress on the race. You will always have one race that didn't work out well. Having more than one in the season will help you stay happy about training. After all, this is fun!
  • The longer you work at it the better you will get and the more you will enjoy it. A 4 month training period is good. You never know, you may just get hooked.
  • Each sport has a form guide. For swimming, check out the "Total Immersion" technique. For biking, strive for excellent bike fit. For running, check out the Pose Technique. Links provided below.
  • You might be able to do more in one or two sports. If you can, you should. For example, if you have been a strong bike rider, consider going out for a 40 or 50 minute "base" ride.
  • Increase your time in each sport by 10% each week until you can do a 40 minute workout in each sport.
  • Build in a three or four week cycle. Add 10% over your base for week #2, 20% over base for week #3, then return to your base for a week #4. Then you start where you left off (20% over base) for week #5 and so on. The reference materials give a great amount of good information on cyclical training.
  • Practice swimming in open water and U-turns on your bike.
  • Carefully monitor your diet. You need whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Stay away from processed foods! You want to carefully any control weight loss to a pound or two a week in order to maintain energy.
  • Limber up before exercise. Stretch after exercise. Too many people try to stretch with cold muscles, which injures them. People also forgo the stretching when the muscles are warm. This leads to tight muscles and (you guessed it) injury.
  • Listen to your body. If you are just too tired to get up in the morning, then take some time off.
  • Did you get the point about having fun? This should be fun, so have fun!
  • There is probably a triathlon club in your area. Google, check out USAT, look for a health club, YMCA, or sports store with a bulletin board.


  • Do not start any fitness program without clearance from a doctor.
  • Carefully stressing your body and then recovering fully is how you build endurance and strength. Going too hard, or not taking enough recovery time are classic newbie mistakes.
  • Hydration is key. You need to drink on the bike (cause you can't in the water and won't want to during the run). Balance and moderation is necessary to avoid dehydration or hyponatremia.

Things You'll Need

  • Unless you want to, there is no need to buy an expensive bike in the beginning. You can find plenty of used bikes on eBay and a lot of new road bikes (that can be converted to a tri-configuration with the addition of Aero bars) under $1,500.
  • A basic wetsuit is a good investment if you live in colder climates. Many races will partner with shops that rent wetsuits. Wear one if the water is below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • You will need a good, lightweight pair of sneakers. It is best to visit a pro-shop and have your running gait analyzed (they video tape your legs and feet and play it back in slow motion).

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Train for a Triathlon. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How to Run Longer

How to Run Longer

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Guiding steps to achieve greater running distances


  1. Pick a time later in the day if at all possible. Your body temperature increases throughout the day, which is an indicator of your body's metabolism. (Opinions differ on this -- many people believe morning is the best time for longer runs because of the fact that your body temperature is lower and you are better able to tolerate the increases from exercise. Also, races tend to be in the morning.)
  2. Eat well the day of your run. Don't just gorge on sweets and fatty foods. Look for long-lasting carbohydrates, like oatmeal for example. Also, do not eat anything for at least two hours before you run.
  3. Make sure that during the day you stay well hydrated, but don't just drink water. Make sure you include electrolyte beverages (such as Gatorade). Drinking water alone can actually be harmful. It's easy to upset the sodium balance in your blood if you don't have plenty of salt reserves.
  4. Have something to keep your mind occupied, like a music player for example. Sometimes, just going out without one can give you some much needed time to think. After a long day, there's nothing much like a good long run to clear your head.
  5. Make sure you stretch well and are nice and warmed up before you start. Then just get out there and do it.
  6. When you run long distance try to keep even breathing. Example: 3 steps breathing in from your nose and 2 steps breath out of your mouth.


  • Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes with good support for your arches. Injury is very possible if you don't use proper equipment.
  • Don't start out too fast, it will adversely affect you towards the end of the run.
  • If you are running with a friend try not to talk since talking moves your face muscles and depletes oxygen


  • Consult a physician before you attempt to go out. But with the right pace, almost anyone can enjoy the benefits of a long run.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Run Longer. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How to Get a Six Pack (for Girls)

How to Get a Six Pack (for Girls)

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Many people think that curves are what make girls hot, but abs can really do the trick. Plus it makes you look buff!


  1. Go swimming. Try out for the closest swim team in your area. Doing butterfly (dolphin) kicks on your back is probably the best way to work on your six pack and/or get a flatter stomach. Training hours are usually for two hours and most swim teams have practice five days a week at least.
  2. Do cardio as much as possible. Set aside at least one day a week to run a mile. Playing games like tag and hide and go seek outside can even burn calories. Taking your dog for a run is also a convenient way to run, and make sure you drink plenty of water!
  3. Try crunches and leg lifts; these can really help you get a six pack. Do flutter leg lifts, box leg lifts, up and down leg lifts, and just holding your feet up for a minute at a time and do each type four times.
  4. Most importantly, watch what you eat! Eat plenty of protein to build those ab muscles. Avoid sugar altogether and reduce your caloric intake.
  5. If you swim about 5 km a day your posture will improve and your muscles will bulge.


  • Hydration is VERY important! Drink about eight glasses of water everyday and avoid sugary "sports" drinks.
  • Eat less, workout more
  • Starvation diets starve the muscle when instead, you should be feeding the muscle.Your body must get energy from somewhere so guess what gets sacrificed? That's right, your precious muscle which is in fact responsible for a maintaining a high metabolism.


  • Swim with a buddy or experienced swimmer if you are new to long-distance swimming and the exhaustion that can occur.
  • Beware of sunburns while swimming and running; skin cancer is very common, so always wear sunscreen!

Things You'll Need

  • practice swim suit
  • swim cap
  • goggles
  • sunscreen
  • buddy

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get a Six Pack (for Girls). All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.